
Surveys and Clinical Trials Recruitment

School of Public Health and Health Systems University of Waterloo is looking for adult (18+) volunteers to take part in a qualitative study that will explore how adults living with 22q11DS experience and adapt to the lifestyle changes from the COVID-19 Pandemic. Click here for more information.

We would like to provide you with the opportunity to take part in an international database that is collecting experience with COVID-19. CORD is collaborating with LunaDNA, a public benefit corporation, and Genetic Alliance, a USA-based not-for-profit Organization, to develop the CORD COVID-19 data platform to allow patients to store and share their individual experiences related to COVID-19, health/disease management, and health-related behaviour. The goal is to create a large repository of information that can inform us on an on-going bases of the experiences of patients, directly related to COVID-19 and beyond. Please be aware that the database conforms to the privacy principles of PIPEDA.

Join the database: