
Access to Specialty Drugs Under Pharmacare Survey

Access to Specialty Drugs Under Pharmacare
Specialty Drug Issues

Do you or someone you care for rely on a specialty drug to manage a condition? Do you have concerns or have you experienced challenges getting access to a biologic, complex, personalized, rare, or combination therapy that would be your best treatment option? 

There is no exact definition but specialty drugs are described as “high complexity” (biologics, drug combinations), high touch (injection, special handling, monitoring), and high cost. They are often more targeted, effective, personalized, and advanced that traditional medicines (older, simple, pills). Specialty drugs often treat complex, chronic, and/or rare conditions including cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lysosomal storage diseases, neuromuscular diseases, and cystic fibrosis. This survey is being conducted by the Canadian Organization for Rare Disorders (CORD) with the Institute for Optimizing Health Outcomes (IOHO) to learn from Canadians their experiences accessing specialty drugs. In addition, we are asking opinions about how specialty drugs should be available in a National Pharmacare program. This feedback is very important.

Link to Survey: