
Paddle with Purpose

Hi, my name is William Aiello I am the Weather Anchor for CTV News Northern Ontario and I want YOU to help me make positive change! On August 4th I will be taking on a journey of stand up paddle boarding for 24 straight hours on Ramsey Lake in Sudbury raising money and awareness for the Canadian Organization of Rare Disorders (CORD). “CORD provides a strong common voice to advocate for health policy and a healthcare system that works for those with rare disorders. CORD works with governments, researchers, clinicians and industry to promote research, diagnosis, treatment and services for all rare disorders in Canada.

This journey will be in honour of  my brother in law, Mario La Valle, who passed away in December of 2019. Mario was diagnosed with an extremely rare form of cancer called Epithelioid Angiomyolipoma. I want to do something where I can make a difference while supporting people within our community who are facing difficult times. There was nobody quite like Mario – he was one of those people that made you smile and a made you a better person each and every time you saw him. It didn’t matter what he was going through or any pain he was suffering, he just always looked out for everyone else, he was 33 years old. Please help me by spreading the word or donate if you can and let’s help change lives together.

CORD is a volunteer-based organization, we know how to do a lot with very modest budgets. However, we still need your financial contribution to help us do our work. Even a small gift means a lot.

You will receive a tax-deductible receipt for a donation of $25 or more.
Our registered charity number is 89651 3355 RR0001

Donate Online
Donating online is quick, easy, safe and secure.  Click the button above to make a secure online donation.

Donate By Mail
If you would like to send a donation by mail, please send a cheque or credit card information to the address below, including your name, address and contact information.  Please make funds payable to:

Canadian Organization for Rare Disorders
151 Bloor Street West, Suite 600
Toronto, Ontario M5S 1S4 Canada

For any questions regarding your donation, contact us at:

Event Sponsors