
It’s a good day for rare diseases! UN General Assembly

Today the UN General Assembly – all 193 Member States – adopted a Political Declaration on Universal Health Coverage that includes persons living with a rare disease during their High-Level Meeting at the UN Headquarters in NYC.

From RDI, EURORDIS and the NGO Committee for Rare Diseases have released a Joint Statement to celebrate this milestone.  Find it also attached here.

The Final Political Declaration is available here.

Both Durhane Wong-Rieger (RDI/CORD) and Yann Le Cam (EURORDIS) attended the event to represent the community of persons living with a rare disease and submitted a short written statement that will be part of the proceedings of the meeting.

Thanks to all who have worked tirelessly on this, including CORD President & Chair of RDI Council Durhane Wong-Rieger.


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