
CORD submission to 2022 PMPRB Guidelines consultation

This week CORD submitted its feedback to the PMPRB in the context of its 2022 Guidelines consultation.

Since the PMPRB’s “so-called” reform process began in 2017, CORD has actively raised the concern that the PMPRB’s singular focus on driving medicine prices as low as possible has had and will increasingly impact the entry of new medicines into Canada, as demonstrated by the number of clinical trials and new drug submissions. This has been especially damaging to individuals living with rare diseases with progressive and life-threatening conditions for which there are few or no effective therapies. 

CORD’s message to the PMPRB: “Cease and desist with these endless revisions that do not address the core need: sustainable access to the best therapies, investment in Canadian research and development of new therapies, and prices that reflect the return on investment for individuals, families, health systems, and society.”

To read our full submission, please visit

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